Identification of miR-20a as A Potential Discerning Biomarker for Non-Invasive versus Invasive Retinoblastoma

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

2 Ophthalmology Department, Eye Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Pediatric Growth and Development Research Center, Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism; MAHAK Pediatric Cancer Treatment and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Tehran, Iran. 2. Faculty of Sciences and Advanced Technologies in Biology, University


Objective: Intraocular retinoblastoma (RB) is common in kids. Although the cause of this disease is a mutation in the
RB1 gene, the formed cancerous mass in different patients is seen in non-invasive states, limited to the ocular cavity
or in invasive states distributed to other parts of the body. Because this tumor's aggressiveness cannot be predicted
early, these patients receive systemic chemotherapy with multiple drugs. Treating non-invasive and invasive tumors
separately reduces chemical drug side effects. The aim of this study was to identify diagnostic biomarkers by separating
miRNAs in blood serum from invasive and non-invasive RB patients.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, selected three gene expression omnibus (GEO) datasets. Two
were related to serum and tumor tissue miRNAs, and one was related to non-invasive and invasive RB gene expression.
Examined RB gene-miRNA relationships. Then, we performed real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on candidate
miRNAs in the Y79 cell line and patient blood samples in non-invasive and invasive retinoblastoma.
Results: Fourteen high-expression and 7 low-expression miRNAs resulted. MiR-181, miR-135a, miR-20a, miR-373,
and miR-191 were common genes with differential genes between invasive and non-invasive retinoblastoma. Only
MiR-181 was upregulated in the Y79 RB cell line. Other candidate miRNAs expressed less. Invasive retinoblastomas
increased serum miR-20a and miR-191.
Conclusion: Integrated and regular bioinformatics analyses found important miRNAs in patients’ and miR-20a, miR-
191, and miR-135a can distinguish non-invasive and invasive retinoblastoma, suggesting further research.


Main Subjects

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