Histochemical Study Of Developing Cartilage Of The Primordial Vertebrae In Rat Embryo

Document Type : Original Article


Anatomy Department, Zahedan Medical Sciences University, Zahedan, Iran


Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and distribution of cell surface terminal sugars in developing cartilage of the primordial vertebrae in rat embryo.
Material and Methods: Fifty female and 25 male Wistar rats were chosenrandomly. After adaptation, mating was done. Vaginal plug observationwas performed on O-day of gestation. Specimens were collected from 9-18 days old embryos and were fixed in B4G solution. After routine histological processing and embedding in paraffin, blocks were cut into 4-micrometer thickness sections. Then sections were stained by PAS-Alcian blue and Lectin histochemistry methods (VVA-B4, MPA, WFA).On the basis of intensity of staining, sections were graded and nonparametric statistical test (Kruskal Wallis) was used to compare differences between samples.
Results: The commencement of chondroblast differentiation in the centrum of future vertebrae was specified by appearance of D-Gal Terminal sugarin 13th day of embryonic period. On the 14th to 16th days of presence of Gal/GalNac, D-GalNac terminal sugars were detected in developing vertebrae. Reactions were first observed in centrum and then in pedicles and laminae of vertebrae. From the 17th day on ward, reaction with the above mentioned lectins showed a significant reductions (P<0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that changes in surface terminal sugars regulate morphologic changes and the fate of the cell, during tissue growth and development.
