What are the publication charges for an article in Cell Journal?

 Publishing an article in Cell Journal requires APC that will be billed to the submitting author following the acceptance of an article for publication from July 1, 2020. Please click here to have all details. 

What is the journal's acceptance rate?

The journal's acceptance rate is about 16%.

How long should authors wait to find out whether their manuscript has been accepted and published after submitting it to Cell Journal journal?

Submissions are promptly acknowledged by email. Peer review is required for every manuscript submitted to the Cell Journal. After submitting, authors should wait one or two weeks before hearing back from the journal. The review process takes between 2 to 4 months in Cell Journal. The executive member of the journal will contact the corresponding author directly within 3-4 weeks by email. More info


How do I Find out about the status of a manuscript which I submitted?

Authors can check on the status of the manuscripts by logging in to the website and finding the Submissions Being Processed section in the dashboard.

Can authors make changes to the manuscript at the proof stage?

Yes, proofs are sent by email as PDF files and should be checked and returned within 72 hours of receipt. It is the author’s responsibility to check that all the text and data contained in the page proofs are correct and suitable for publication. We are requested to pay particular attention to the author’s names and affiliations as it is essential that these details be accurate when the article is published.

Do the authors add or remove the authorship in the proof stage?

changes to authorship such as addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names must be made only before the manuscript has been accepted in the case of approving by the journal editor. In this case, the corresponding author must explain the reason of changing and confirm them (which has been signed by all authors of the manuscript). If the manuscript has already been published in an online issue, an erratum is needed. Please contact us via info@celljournal.org in case of any changes (corrections, retractions, erratum, etc.). 

Is Cell Journal(Yakhteh) indexed in scientific databases and search engines?

to find out the  journal indexed in scientific databases Please click here 

Is Cell Journal (Yakhteh) available in printed form?


How to report a technical problem with the site?