A Survey Of Embryonic Development Of Swiss Mice The Fourth Metatarsophalyngeal Joint In Vitro



Introduction: There are some internal and external factors in the development and supporty of joint. The role of movement on foint development could be study in three methods. In vitro limb buds culture Limb bud Graft to coelomic membrance. Neuromuscular function block. The development of the fourth metatarsophalyngeal joint of swiss mice was studied in normal circumstances and the absence of movement.
Materials & Methods: In order to study the development of the fourth metatarsophalyngeal joint in absence of movement, mouse limb buds were separated from 15-days old embryso and cultured in Ham’s F -10 medium conditioned with 37?C and 5% co2 for 1 to 6 days. The medium was renewed every 24h during incubation. After 6 days, specimens were fixed by Buin’s fluid, embedded in paraffin was, serially sectioned and stained with H & E.
Results: The results indicated that, the mesenchymal cells of joint interzone were differentiated to fibroblast like cells and chondrocytes rather than losing to form joint space. Conclusion: It seems that the absence of movement in vitro conditions could effect the joint development and its intra – articular structures.