A Comparison Between Two Different Media Used On Two-Cell Embryo Co-Culture With Vero Cells

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Embryology, Royan Institute, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of RPMI and T6 medium on two cell mouse embryo co-culture with Vero cells.
Materials and Methods: Two cell mouse embryos (NMRI Strain) were flushed from the excised uteri of superovulated mice. Morphologically normal embryos were divided into four groups: the first control group was cultured on T6 media. The first experimental group was co-culture with Vero using T6 media. The second control and experimental groups cultured on RPMI only and Vero using RPMI media respectively. The developmental rate of each group was recorded daily for four days.
Results: The developmental rate of embryos which reached morula stage in the firstand second experimental groups were 84% and 75% respectively with significant difference (P<0.05). Meanwhile 82% of the first experimental group formed into blastocyst, accordingly the second group showed 57% and the difference between them was significant (P<0.0001). The difference between the two experimental groups which reached the hatching stage was not significant.
Conclusion: The results suggest that the embryo co-culture with Vero cells improve the in vitro development, but the type of the medium must be considered, which can be helpful for cell proliferation and embryos development.
