Study Of The Frequency Of Sperm Premature Chromosome Condensation (PCC) In Normal And Infertile Men, Using Zona-Free Golden Hamster Oocyte Method

Document Type : Original Article


Genetic Department, Royan Institute, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The frequency of sperm PCC indiction in normal and infertile men was investigated.
Material and Methods: Zona – free Hamster oocyte were retrieved after super ovulation by PMSG and HCG infection. Following treatment with hyaloronidase, Zona was removed by trypsin digestion. Sperms were classified with sperms, and then transferred to fresh media containing colcemid. Slides were prepared using Tarkowskie’s standard air – drying technique. Oocytes were analyzed using ×1000 microscope after staining in 5% Giemsa.
Results: Results indicate that the frequency of sperm PCC is much higher in asthenosperm samples,compared to sperm from oligo or normal individuals and the difference is statistically significant (P<0.001). Moreover, intact sperm head was found in all samples, but the frequency of intact sperm head was higher in astheno and oligo sperm samples compared to normal. However the frequency of sperm head was not statistically different in oligo and astheno sperm samples.
Conclusion: From the results it can be concluded that, formation of sperm PCC is a major cause of failed fertilization in individuals with sperm abnormalities. PCC may occur due to chromatin abnormalities, improper DNA packing, chromosomal abnormalities and penetration delay of sperm. Therefore fertilization failure in asthenosperm infertile men may be primarily due to sperm PCC formation. Also this may be the etiology of some case of idiopathic infertility.
